It is 2017! Happy New Year! I have been absent for way too long from my blog. I got a huge promotion in July and got married to my boyfriend of 5 years in September. We honeymooned immediately following in Germany…needless to say, I have been enjoying the newlywed bliss to its fullest! My blog was neglected & in 2017, that will not be the case! Speaking of 2017 …

It is time for new year resolutions. I have a few of my own for sure and #3 is running 5 days a week. I have my first half-marathon coming up in March. What I personally think will keep this resolution at the forefront is to make a bib holder. I have only participated in 3 organized runs, two of which I placed in. I decided to make my own holder and below I am going to show you how to make yours. It requires a piece of wood, stain or paint, nails, hooks, and possibly vinyl decal.

The first thing I did was stain the wood. StainI purchased my stain to do some Christmas gifts two years ago, but if you need stain here is some: . I had some pieces from a previous craft I did,  but here are some even cuter ones:


Stained Wood

Once your wood is stained: you will need to let it dry at least 24-48 hours.fullsizerender_1

I purchased the hooks at Hobby Lobby for $2 each, they were having a 50% off sale! I already had the nails, but if you need nails you can purchase a picture hanging kit at Michaels also for roughly $10.99. If you prefer to use less nails, I also have the clips pictured. Some Pinterest bib holders used clips instead of nails… I used the nails to make sure my gold matched! My inspiration came from Pinterest and I highly recommend looking there for a quote to add to yours.


Add Your Decal

If you have a circuit, you can create one! If you do not, I highly recommend painting one. Later this year I will add a “How To” for brush Calligraphy painting.

Total Cost (before coupons)

Don’t forget Michaels & Hobby Lobby have coupons!!

Hooks: $12; Wood: $9; Nails: $11; = $32


Finished Project

I am excited! It turned out awesome! I will be hanging it in my bedroom and being reminded of my resolution every day!img_4633


Happiest of New Years


What are your resolutions?



Written by Lauren

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